袁涛(Yuan Tao)


  1. 新污染物环境行为归趋、生态毒性和健康效应;
  2. 室内环境新污染物暴露风险评估与净化技术;
  3. 环境新污染物检测技术;
  4. 新污染物控制原理与技术;




1. Beili Wang, Yihui Jin, Tao Yuan*, Juan Li, Fan Yang, Hong Lu, Jinyang Zhou, Shijian Liu, Zhemin Shen, Xiaodan Yu. Exploring environmental obesogenous effects of organic ultraviolet filters on children from a case-control study. Chemosphere 2023, 341:139883.

2. Luwei Cheng, Tao Yuan*, Hongjiang Chen, Yuanyang Ren, Zhiwen Cheng , Maohong Fan, Yawei Liu, Zhemin Shen*. Study on enhancement of hemoglobin antitoxic ability modified with chromium and ruthenium. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2023, 242:124756.

3. Juan Li, Tao Yuan*, Bin Wang, Shijian Liu, Yue Zhang, Chen Chen, Yihui Jin, Zhemin Shen, Xiaodan Yu*. Antibiotic exposure and risk of overweight/obesity in school children: a multicenter, case-control study from China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2022, 240: 113702.

4. Yihui Jin, Tao Yuan*, Jiafan Li, Zhemin Shen, Ying Tian. Occurrence, health risk assessment and water quality criteria derivation of six personal care products (PCPs) in Huangpu River, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2022, 194(8): 577.

5. Juan Li, Tao Yuan*, Jiafan Li, Yuning Ma, Bo Chen, Xirui Wang, Xianting Jiao, Yihui Jin, Zhemin Shen, Xiaodan Yu*. Urine concentrations of perfluoroalkyl acids in children and contributions of dietary factors: a cross-sectional study from Shanghai, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021, 28: 20440-20450.

6. Jiafan Li, Tao Yuan*, Yuning Ma, Zhemin Shen, Ying Tian, Li Gao, Xiaoyan Dong. Acute toxicity assessment of indoor dust extracts by luminescent bacteria assays with Photobacterium Phosphoreum T3. Environmental Research, 2021, 198: 110447.

7. Junjie Ao, Tao Yuan*, Hui Xia, Yuning Ma, Zhemin Shen, Rong Shi, Ying Tian, Jun Zhang, Wenjin Ding, Li Gao, Xiaodong Zhao, Xiaodan Yu. Characteristic and human exposure risk assessment of per- and polyfuoroalkyl substances: A study based on indoor dust and drinking water in China. Environmental Pollution, 2019, 254:112873

8. Gu JY, Tao Yuan*, Ni N, Ma YN, Shen ZM, Yu XD, Shi R , Tian Y, Zhang J. Urinary concentration of personal care products and polycystic ovary syndrome: A case-control study. Environ Res, 2019, 168(1):48-53.

9. Junjie Ao, Jiaping Gu, Tao Yuan*, Dan Li, Yuning Ma, Zhemin Shen. Applying molecular modelling and experimental studies to develop molecularly imprinted polymer for domoic acid enrichment from both seawater and shellfish. Chemosphere, 2018, 199(5): 98-106.  

10. Junjie Ao, Tao Yuan*, Li Gao, Xiaodan Yu, Xiaodong Zhao, Ying Tian, Wenjin Ding, Yuning Ma, Zhemin Shen. Organic UV filters exposure induces the production of inflammatory cytokines in human macrophages. Science of The Total Environment, 2018, 635: 926-935.

11. Junjie Ao, Tao Yuan*, Jiayuan Gu, Yuning Ma, Zhemin Shen, Ying Tian, Rong Shi, Wei Zhou,Jun Zhang. Organic UV filters in indoor dust and human urine: A study of characteristics, sources, associations and human exposure. Science of The Total Environment, 2018, 640–641:1157-1164.

12. Ao JJ, Yuan T*,Ma YN, Gao L, Ni N, Li D. Identification, characteristics and human exposure assessments of triclosan, bisphenol-A, and four commonly used organic UV filters in indoor dust collected from Shanghai, China. Chemosphere, 2017, 184(10): 575–583.

13. Gao L, Yuan T*, Cheng P, Zhou CQ, Ao JJ, Wang WH, Zhang HM. Organic UV filters inhibit multixenobiotic resistance (MXR) activity in Tetrahymena thermophila: investigations by the Rhodamine 123 accumulation assay and molecular docking. Ecotoxicology,2016, 25(7), 1318-1326.

14. Junjie Ao, Li Gao, Tao Yuan*, Gaofeng Jiang, Interaction mechanisms between organic UV filters and bovine serum albumin as determined by comprehensive spectroscopy exploration and molecular docking, Chemosphere,2015,119(1):590-600.

15. Gao Li, Yuan Tao*, Zhou Chuanqi, et al. Effects of four commonly used UV filters on the growth, cell viability and oxidative stress responses of the Tetrahymena thermophila, Chemosphere,2013,93(10):2507-2513.

16. Yan Lv, Tao Yuan*, Jiangyong Hu, Wenhua Wang. Seasonal Occurrence and Behavior of Synthetic Musks (SMs) during Wastewater Treatment Process in Shanghai, China. Sci of Total Environ 2010, 408: 4170-4176.

17. Penghua Wang, Tao Yuan*, Jiangyong Hu. Determination of Cephalosporin Antibiotics in Water Samples by Optimized Solid Phase Extraction and High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Ultraviolet Detector. Int J Environ Anal Chem 2011, 91(13):1267-1281.

18. Guo G, Yuan T*, Wang W, Li D, Cheng J, Gao Y, Zhou P. Bioavailability, mobility, and toxicity of Cu in soils around the Dexing Cu mine in China. Environ Geochem Health. 2011, 33 (2), 217-224.


承担:国家科技部重点研发项目课题(污泥-低阶煤-秸秆高效协同处置物质流能量流全过程调控机制,2022年11月-2026年10月);上海市生态环境局环境健康风险试点调查与评估项目;上海市卫健委环境卫生重点学科建设项目。主持完成国家自然科学基金青年项目1项、面上项目2项(No.50608050新生污染物PPCPs在污水处理过程中的行为归趋及其模型研究;No. 30970531 水环境典型头孢类抗生素的生态风险研究;No.21277092低剂量及复合个人护理品暴露的分子防御干扰效应和早期预警研究)。主持完成上海市科委基础研究重点项目1项、上海教委科研创新重点项目1项、上海市环保局重点项目1项。参加国家973项目(2014CB943300),负责完成课题子项目“新兴环境污染物人群暴露研究”。参加国家重点研发(2016YFC1402403),负责子项目“基于无人船胶体金技术的危化品跟踪监测技术研发”。参加新加坡-伟德bevictor中文网页E2S2(超大城市的能源环境可持续发展方案)国际合作项目(2012-2017)。主编《环境健康科学》,副主编教材1部。授权专利3项。








