李萌(Li Meng)



1. 环境与全球价值链:基于资本内生化投入产出模型的环境影响分析

2. 环境经济:气候变化与长期人力资本分析,基于机器学习的企业碳排放模型

3. 低碳分析:碳定价机制的市场冲击分析













  1. Meng, B., Liu, Y.*, Gao, Y.*, Li, M.*, Wang, Z., Xue, J., Andrew, R., Feng, K., Qi, Y., Sun, Y. and Sun, H., 2023. Developing countries’ responsibilities for CO2 emissions in value chains are larger and growing faster than those of developed countries. One Earth, 6(2), pp.167-181.
  2. Li, M.*, Gao, Y., Meng, B., Meng J., 2023. Tracing embodied energy use through global value chains: Channel decomposition and analysis of influential factors. Ecological Economics, 208, 107766.

  3. Li, M.*, Meng, B., Gao, Y., Guilhoto, J.J., Wang, K. and Geng, Y., 2023. Material footprints in global value chains with consideration of multinational enterprises. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 190, p.106828.
  4. Li, M., Jin, T.*, Liu, S., Zhou, S., 2021.The cost of clean energy transition in rural China: Evidence based on marginal treatment effects. Energy Economics, Volume 97, 105167.
  5. Li, M., Gao, Y., Meng, B., Yang, Z*, 2021. Managing the mitigation: Analysis of the effectiveness of target-based policies on China’s provincial carbon emission and transfer. Energy Policy, Volume 151, 112189.
  6. Jin, T., Li, M*, 2020. Does education increase pro-environmental willingness to pay? Evidence from Chinese household survey. Journal of Cleaner Production, 275, 122713.
  7. Gao, Y., Li, M.*, Xue, J., & Liu, Y., 2020. Evaluation of effectiveness of china's carbon emissions trading scheme in carbon mitigation. Energy Economics, 90, 104872.
  8. Li, M., Gao, Y.*, & Liu, S, 2020. China's energy intensity change in 1997–2015: non-vertical adjusted structural decomposition analysis based on input-output tables. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 53.
  9. Gao, Y., Li, M.*, & Lu, Y, 2020. What Can Be Learned from Billions of Invoices? The Construction and Application of China’s Multiregional Input-Output Table Based on Big Data from the Value-Added Tax. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 1-17.
  10. Meng, B., Peters, G. P., Wang, Z., & Li, M*, 2018. Tracing CO2 emissions in global value chains. Energy Economics, 73, 24-42.
  11. Liu, S., Jin, T., Li, M. and Zhou, S.*, 2022. Fertility Policy Adjustments and Female Labor Supply: Estimation of Marginal Treatment Effect Using Chinese Census Data. Journal of Human Resources, pp.0620-10989R3.